The recommended amount of articles - pages 12-20 A4 based graphical attachments. Number of attached images (charts, graphs, drawings, photographs, etc.) must not exceed 6.
The number of articles of the authors, as a rule, should not more than three people.
Authors must adhere to the following generalized structure of the article:
intro (actuality, existing problems - the volume of 0.5-1 pg.);
the bulk of the (production and description of the problem, research methodology, presentation and discussion of the main results);
final part (supply terminals - the amount of 0.5-1 pg.);
Provide for publication in the journalarticle is necessary to issue the proposed model.
If the author is planning the publication of his article in English, it must provide the text of the article in English and the title of the article, annotations, keywords, information about the author (s) on theRussian and English languages.
UDC is made and formed in accordance with the GOST 7.90-2007.
Submission of all materials is carried out electronically via the e-edition. After registering in the electronic version of the system automatically generates a personal profile of the author, allows to submit articles in magazines STU using the menu "My articles". All the instructions for authors available on the website in the "Help" section. To authors with authors: registration form fills the main author of the pin; the other authors indicate special list in a separate window.
Together with the materials of the article should be submitted to the act of examination of the possibility of publishing materials in the open press.
Consideration of materials
Review of materials, interaction with the reviewer made only through e-edition.
Given the inconsistency of article journal requirements, Themes, or upon detection of plagiarism, re-publication of the article is rejected. In this case, the author is required to provide a reasoned refusal.
Revision provides review of all research articles accepted for consideration. The review carried out by members of the editorial board or invited reviewers. Reviewing blind-sided, that is, the author does not know the reviewer.
Its further consideration is not made When a negative review of the article.
According to results of the review, negotiation with the issues raised by the author, the materials received for consideration by the editorial board, which makes the final decision on the publication of the article material, after which the revision of the author informs about the number and timing of opublikavaniya his article.
In case the article to be published after the final meeting of the editorial board of the author is publishing license agreement.
On admission to the editors a significant number of articles taking them in the next issue may end prematurely.